We’ve all been there—grabbing a favorite necklace or chain, only to find it in a tangled mess. It’s frustrating, but don’t worry—I’ve got a simple solution!
I’ve put together a quick video below showing an easy way to untangle your chain without the hassle.
You will need:
- a foam block (from packaging)
- a few pins
I think the foam block and pins are the easiest to use. But you can definitely use something else.
Don't have pins? Any thin wires (twisty ties) or maybe paper clips would work. You'll need something small enough to get into the knots/link of the chain.
Don't have a foam block? Use masking tape to tape the chain down instead. It does make it a lot easier to manipulate the chain.
With a little patience, you might find it even fun to untangle your necklace, like solving a puzzle!
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.